Monday, May 12, 2008


上个星期三,总觉得我的身体有点怪怪,就是说不出是什么问题。。。可能是病吧?其实已告知了几个朋友我的情形,他们也建议我去看医生,可是我也不知如何告诉医生什么问题,因为我不知是心理作用,不够睡,还是病了???而这几天,我真得很累,睡眠很不够。。。我也没家人说过这些东西,因为不想我妈妈当心。。。有个朋友说可以陪我去看医生,我真的很开心,可是我比较想。。。。 哈哈,算了吧。。。别想了。。。



Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cameron Trip with my BEST GANG, Yeah

Before the Trip
2/5/2008, long time my house didn't gather so many friends already, just because of this trip. Some of them will stay at my house and we have a nice chat over the nite...

we have quite a lot ppl joining this time, around 13 ppl. and have 2 new girls joining this time also.

Arrive at Cameron
we arrive Cameron, yeah... we drive 3 cars, and really enjoy this trip. :)

Drunk Session
This is the best time we waiting for, before going to the trip, I already tell all my friends that must make me drunk. and... I really drunk.. hahaha... I really enjoy the drinking session, we still the best gang in my heart. I really appreciate all my friends.... However, I wanna to say sorry to my friends too, I didn't really join them all the time, because I have 2 friends join this time. I need to take care them too... I miss out a lot best time with my friends during the trip.. really regret now... sorry friends.... I promise I won't do that again.... the time with u all still is the best memory for me...

I have post up the picture, you can check it out...