二月十五日,四点一早我已开车去接大家了,Bao, Char 和 Avis。我们的飞机是早上七点,所以我们得在六点前抵达飞机场。
一早抵达Khao San Road,我便去找找看哪一间旅店比较便宜(其实我心目中已有了选择),结果还是选回Rikka Inn,一天才80而已,还有游泳池呢!放下旅行包了,便要解决我们的午餐。然后又在附近走走。。。其实每次到泰国,我都很想做一件外套,终于,Avis 陪我一起癫,我做了一套外套,而她做了两件长裤。过后,我们得知Chatuchak(道地的一个购物地点)是六点左右就收摊了,所以就出发到哪儿。而我们的Taxi也是免费的,因为我们答应去逛一逛珠宝店,而他也有Commision收。。。因为我们真的买了些金链之类的东西。

Chatuchak真的是很道地的广场,没那么多游客。而卖的东西也比较便宜。我们逛了有三个小时吧!当然是要来个脚低按摩咯。过后也比较夜了,我们就向下一个地点出发!并不是搭Taxi,而是搭地铁。目的地就是Silom站,位于Patpong附近(曼谷最出名的夜生活)。而我们的地点并不是那儿,而是Soi Thaniya (曼谷的日本街),整条街都是日本店,不过我们到时已经关门了。不过可以见识那儿的夜生活,当然到处都是那些妓女。过后也发现到有Gay Street,我只是走进20%的路程就转头了。。。

吃了晚餐就回到Khao San咯,女的就累了,也早点回房睡了。而我和Bao就在Khao San逛一逛,Bao也做了个“假"Tatoo。不过真的很累,回到房间,一冲了凉就睡了。。。
我们的目的地是Ayutthaya,离曼谷越80KM的古迹。也是我满期待的一个地方。虽然我去了曼谷有三次了,可是还没到过哪儿去。而要去那,也有几个方法,火车,Taxi,座船或跟旅行团。而我们选择了乘Taxi,因为比较便宜和方便。我也可以慢慢的拍照。大约早上六点我们就出发了,直到下午三点,才从Ayutthaya 回来。

过后也只是在Khao San 逛一逛和晚餐!而我们大家也一起做了“假”Tatoo,我也来了一个,哈哈。。。晚上有再来脚低按摩咯。。。
我们的晚餐,就在曼谷最高的大厦。79楼的高厦晚餐,还很不错吧?而也还蛮便宜,只是50而已。。。 哈哈
The Ayutthaya temple looks very interesting... so is the Japan Street... no no on the Gay Street.. hee hee
y gary didn't bring me to these places 1? :(, make me so jelous....gary "sek do" lar, this coming october. N dun blame butt hor.
The Ayuthaya can take Boat from Bangkok to there, it's more interesting, I reach Ayuthaya only know. but by Train also not bad, stop on the station n can need took ferry to pass the river... we choose Taxi is the more easy way, the Taxi bring us to where we want... haha
so wasted last time i din go Ayutthaya.. seem like a very nice place.. haih~~
butt, dont u bring avis them go Platinum mall?!.. tht's women paradise!!!
happy lo go with gals only bring them to all these interesting places, go with us bring us watch ping pong show lo....
So happening... Always go here n there, jealous sia
aiyo guys... we dun have life like bantwan lor... always go out with girls... hai...he is the real king of playboy!.. hee hee
Walau, you guys dun always simply put "Playboy" onto me lar... this will make all teh girl scare me, so I won't be able to find GF liao...
wakakaka.. seems like that.. u been stereotype liao.. no reputation :p
yean: he has still got the reputation ler.. the Mr Nice Playboy!! .. hee hee
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